Saturday, June 19, 2010

White walls & scattered pictures

The above image is my sister's living/dining room. I took it last week when I passed by to get some measurements of her home (she's planning on renovating it, which is great for us!).

But anyway, why did I post these images?

Because one of the problems home owners have when it comes to decorating their home, is not knowing where to place family portraits and/or picture frames in general. They either place small picture frames in a large room (see right image)or position them way too high (left image) and there's always one small frame hanging all by itself waiting for someone to notice them (center image). Let me just say that just as much importance you give in taking your family portraits or buying a unique piece of art, you should definitely be aware of how and where to place them.

White walls & scattered pictures : suggestions

1. Place a large art piece above the sofa or hang three picture frames together.
-Avoid hanging them too high or far apart.
-Depending on the wall size, make sure it's large enough to enjoy them.

2. Group together a series of picture frames.
-Stick with frames that have the same finish or color. Or use frames with different colors and finishes, but make sure they all have the same width.

3. Apt for a floating shelf and place your picture frames above it.
-Always keep in mind that frames should be hung/placed at eye level.

These are my suggestions, what's your rule of thumb?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

As per this blog...

We launched our website this morning! So please check it out.

As per this blog, we'll be using this page to share with you our favorite links and post our thoughts on design (i.e. products, furniture, buildings, and so on). Oh and we'll be sharing our current projects along the way too.